“Do fellow secure providers have CCTV in seclusion, and if so, is it set to be just a live feed, or can the feed be set to record and how is CCTV used in other areas of secure care? Is it in communal areas? Live Stream/Recording?”
We have CCTV in communal areas in our medium and low secure service. It is recorded but not monitored and we have viewed footage to help with understanding of incidents etc. It is not currently in use in seclusion rooms, and we have a trust group looking at this at the moment as it has been suggested to enhance observations though not to replace observation and engagement, particularly when you have service users who block windows with the mattress impeding view and safety monitoring. It is planned that it will be live feed I believe. It does bring with it lots of considerations with GDPR and processes for requests to view footage needing strong governance. Newton Lodge
We have a live CCTV feed in out seclusion room, which cannot be set to record. For obvious reasons it is not in the en-suite area of the room. The feed can only be viewed from our seclusion observation room and nowhere else on the ward. The purpose is to give observing staff full view of the room. We have CCTV covering all communal areas of the ward. Again, for obvious reasons not in bathrooms, toilets, clinic rooms, bedrooms etc. The footage is recorded for 28 days before being automatically being erased. We have SOPS and Policies, which governs who has access to the system and how we share footage with external agencies, such as the police. We have signs making staff, patients, and visitors aware that we have CCTV. Also, in our admission pack we provide information to our patients about our CCTV system. Forest Lodge, Respondent 1
We have recording CCTV throughout the ward but not in private areas which includes the seclusion room. We have live feed there which is not stored. Forest Lodge, Respondent 2