Yorkshire and Humber Secondment- a year and a bit on…

I thought I would just do a quick check in after a whirlwind year and share some of my highlights and challenges on my secondment!

Adult Secure Service User, Family and Carer Feedback Survey during the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic

The report summarises all of the findings from the survey we undertook from April to June 2020 about the experiences of people in secure services during the pandemic.

Hello from the Recovery and Outcomes Team!

We’re delighted to have been asked to write a blog for the fabulous website of the even more fabulous Yorkshire & Humber Involvement Network. We’re Ian and Gaby from Rethink Mental Illness.

Getting to know you, Getting to know all about you…..

Hi All,Thank you to everyone who has officially welcomed me to my Secondment, I have already been around the network for a while and you may recognise me from Waterloo (where you will still find me part time)

Looking back but going forward!

Hello everyone!! Happy New Year!!So last year was full of exciting developments, here we will mention a few…

4th Annual Fabulous Conference! Launching the SeQuIn Tool!

So the dust is settling after our 4th annual conference, held at the National Coal Mining museum in Wakefield and sponsored by Cygnet Healthcare!