Welly Fest 2023- What a Wonderful Day!

It seems a while since the antics of Welly Fest now, but it’s certainly a day I’ll never forget. It was such a fun filled day and a real showcase of what Involvement actually is! I love music and there was plenty of it- from professional bands and singers to talented service user performers and even a silent disco!

Vegetables…in a cake? Surely not!

I know, right! Vegetables in a cake…what an abomination! Or so I thought. I can comfortably and confidently say that I am now converted and will be exploring other vegetable-based cake recipes after trying Nash’s courgette cake with lemon curd filling and cream cheese frosting!

Creating a Community: Working Together

Creating a Community: Working Together

By Tracey Smith, Senior Staff Nurse, Rick Mason, Recovery College Lead, and the service users of Hamilton Ward, Cheswold Park Hospital.

Sian Whiteside – Introductory Blog Post

Hi all, my name is Sian

I’ve been with the Involvement Network team (for 2 days each week) since the end of April and so I thought it would be good to introduce myself and give you a little bit of information on who I am.

Knowing me, knowing you (a-ha)

Hi everyone, my name is Julianne
I’ve been with the Involvement Network team now for just over 6 weeks so I thought it was about time I officially introduced myself and told you all a little about me!

Animal Appreciation!

We always hear mention of animals at our Network Round Robins; from Armadillos to Racehorses and everything in between! We love animals here at the Yorkshire and Humber Involvement Network and hearing stories of how pat dogs, pet guinea pigs and other furry (or not) friends bring you happiness and joy.

Believe in Yourself!

I was admitted to Hospital over a year ago and back then it felt like almost everything was impossible. Things were so overwhelming, I didn’t think I’d achieve any of my dreams and goals. Despite everything, I soon realised I could not just give up, I still have my whole life ahead of me and wanted to keep myself motivated.

Celebrating and Embracing Equality and Diversity: A Pride History Blog

A Blog from Cheswold Park’s Pride Group members on their recent co-produced Pride History Month presentation.

Almost Gone – but still here!

After working with the Yorkshire and Humber Involvement Team in one way or another since 2006, I have decided it was time to use my skills in other ways.

The benefits of co-production and involvement in Adult Secure Services

The last 12 months have seen a lot happen here at Cheswold Park in terms of involvement and co-production and has prompted some reflection on what has been achieved and the resulting benefits